







いつもこんな感じで工事しています。 札幌市の近郊の方は是非ご依頼ください。よろしくお願いします。


Mixing faucet replacement work for fully automatic washing machines in Nishi-ku, Sapporo City KVK2 handle faucet replacement work. It was a water leak from the base of the faucet. It is often better to replace the main body of the mixed faucet after 15 to 20 years. I’m always working like this. If you are in the suburbs of Sapporo, please ask. Thank you. If you find it helpful for DIY, please subscribe and “like” it.



1. 摩耗: 水栓金具は日常的に使用されるため、時間とともに摩耗が進みます。内部のゴムパッキンやOリングなどの部品が劣化し、漏れや動作の不具合が生じることがあります。

2. 硬水の影響: 硬水の使用は水栓金具に悪影響を与えることがあります。硬水に含まれる鉱物や塩分が水栓金具の内部に蓄積し、動作の制約や漏れを引き起こすことがあります。

3. 経年劣化: 長期間の使用により、金属部品が腐食したり、内部の機構が劣化したりすることがあります。これにより、水漏れや操作の困難さなどの問題が生じることがあります。


1. 水漏れ: 水栓からの漏れが頻繁に起こる場合や、修理しても改善しない場合は、交換を検討するべきです。

2. 操作の困難さ: 操作がスムーズに行えなくなったり、ハンドルやレバーがゆるくなったりした場合は、交換の時期かもしれません。

3. 外観の劣化: 金具の外観に錆や変色が見られる場合は、内部の劣化が進んでいる可能性があります。安全や衛生面の観点からも、交換を検討しましょう。


1. 便利さと節水効果: 混合水栓は、温水と冷水の供給を一つのハンドルで調節できるため、温度調整が容易


2. 温水洗浄の可能性: 全自動洗濯機用の混合水栓を使用すると、洗濯機に温水を供給することができます。温水洗浄は、特に頑固な汚れの除去や衣類の殺菌に効果的です。また、一部の洗濯機では温水洗浄が必要な場合もあります。

3. 耐久性と品質: 全自動洗濯機用の混合水栓は、洗濯機に連動して使用されるため、耐久性が求められます。メーカーが洗濯機用に設計した専用の混合水栓は、品質や信頼性が高く、長期間の使用にも耐えることが期待できます。


The general service life of faucet fittings varies depending on usage conditions and manufacturers, but it is generally said to be about 10 to 20 years. However, this is only a guideline, and the exact life varies depending on environmental conditions and frequency of use.

There are many different causes of faucet fitting failure, but here are some common causes:

1. Wear: Due to daily use, faucet fittings wear out over time. Parts such as internal rubber packing and O-rings may deteriorate, resulting in leaks and malfunctions.

2. Effects of Hard Water: The use of hard water can have a negative impact on your faucet fittings. Minerals and salts in hard water can build up inside faucet fittings, causing restricted operation and leaks.

3. Deterioration over time: Metal parts may corrode and internal mechanisms may deteriorate due to long-term use. This can lead to problems such as water leakage and difficulty in operation.

When it’s time to replace your faucet fittings, consider the following signs:

1. Water Leaks: If your faucet leaks frequently, or if repairing it doesn’t fix it, you should consider replacing it.

2. Difficulty in operation: If the operation is no longer smooth or the handles and levers are loose, it may be time for a replacement.

3. Exterior deterioration: If you see rust or discoloration on the exterior of the metal fittings, the interior may be deteriorating. From a safety and hygiene point of view, consider replacing it.

The need for a mixer tap for fully automatic washing machines can be explained by:

1. Convenience and water saving effect: Mixer taps can be adjusted with one handle for hot and cold water supply, making it easy to adjust the temperature.

is. In a washing machine, using water at the proper temperature will improve the washing effect of the clothes. In addition, by using a mixer tap, it is possible to supply the required amount of water accurately, so you can expect a water saving effect.

2. Possibility of hot water washing: Mixing taps for fully automatic washing machines allow you to supply hot water to your washing machine. Hot water washing is particularly effective at removing stubborn stains and disinfecting clothing. Also, some washing machines may require a hot wash.

3. Durability and quality: Mixing faucets for fully automatic washing machines must be durable as they are used in conjunction with the washing machine. Special mixer taps designed by manufacturers for washing machines are of high quality, reliability, and can be expected to withstand long-term use.

This concludes the general service life and failure causes of faucet fittings, and the need for a mixer faucet for fully automatic washing machines.